The latest Ski for the Children’s Video is here!

Enjoy our latest episode of “Grown Up Conversations”. This one’s called “The Car Wash”. Support children like these by donating to the Montreal Children’s Hospital. Find out more about the “Ski For The Children’s” charity event by visiting my fundraising page at...

Ski For The Children’s video is now live!

Phil Dubrovsky and I were asked by the board of this amazing charity to put together a few short videos to help raise awareness. Here’s our first episode of “Grown Up Conversations” called “Indigestion”. Support children like these by...

Have I shared my friend Phil Dubrovsky lately?

Not sure if I posted these videos of my good friend Phil Dubrovsky on this blog or one of my other blogs (the late, great; or In case it was on the others, here they are: Great CarProof ad: Funny short film called “Man...