My nephew is STILL music to my ears

I’m in San Francisco for the week talking Zedmo with some industry influencers, and believe it or not, this city has HORRENDOUS AT&T coverage, so I missed some voicemail messages from my nephew. Here are a couple of those messages, mashed together:...

My nephew is music to my ears

UPDATE: I previously failed to mention, that this recording was taken at around 7:30 in the morning, and Jacob’s voice is what woke my sister and bro-in-law. This is the first thing he said when he woke up – no “mommy” or “daddy”...

Jacob Max goes gaga for Gaga

Here is my favorite little guy in the world – my nephew Jacob – dancing up a storm at Hampstead Day yesterday. I wasn’t there, but the story goes, he just walked out to the middle of a grassy area, and felt the music. There was no stopping him. The...

Babies: the movie event for… everyone.

I’m a proud uncle of two beautiful kids, and cannot get enough of them. This documentary-style, Hollywood-quality film follows babies from four completely different cultures around the world – it looks really interesting, and cute. Enjoy the...