From the NorthGeek Beer Review Series…

Sorry, Russell, as much as we love your cream ale, this Honey Blonde Ale just didn’t cut it. Our review below.

Name: Honey Blonde Ale
Style: Blonde Ale
Brewery: Russell Brewing Company
Brewery Location: Surrey, BC

Color: Medium yellow
Apparent Flavours (according to DW & NB): Stale, chemical, cheese, lemon, carbonated water

DW Summary: I hate to say it, but I REALLY did not enjoy this beer. I find it tasted more like carbonated water than beer. To be fair, though, I did have it just an hour after drinking a VERY hoppy Devil’s Elbow IPA – but still, this beer just didn’t do it for me. I don’t have much to say – just that unfortunately, I wouldn’t drink it again (we have 4/6 bottles left in the fridge if anyone wants ’em), and I wouldn’t recommend it to friends. Sorry, folks.

NB Summary: I find this beer too light in taste, too lemony, too carbonated, and not robust enough. The aftertaste is cheese and slight honey, and very short. Overall, the palate is pretty thin and this beer isn’t very exciting to me. Sorry Russell.

DW’s NorthGeek Beer Taster Ratings:

This beer is a: Casual drinking beer / Meal companion beer / Dessert beer ( / Never drink it beer)

Taste 5/20
Smell 6/10
Goes down easy 4/10
Head consistency 5/10
Aftertaste 8/15
Bottle/Packaging 3/5
I would recommend this beer 2/10

TOTAL: 33/80

NB’s NorthGeek Beer Taster Ratings:

This beer is a: Casual drinking beer / Meal companion beer / Dessert beer

Taste 6/20
Smell 3/10
Goes down easy 6/10
Head consistency 7/10
Aftertaste 2/15
Bottle/Packaging 3/5
I would recommend this beer 4/10

TOTAL: 31/80


What are your thoughts on this beer? Share in the comments below.